Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I am going to Norway! I've recently graduated high school which is a great accomplishment and completion of an interesting chapter of my life. My senior year has been especially eventful, with a mission trip to El Salvador, high school sports and loads of school work! This turning point was awesome and highly anticipated, but the endless opportunities and paths to take were nothing short of overwhelming. I've contemplated several ideas for my life right out of high school. My interests seemed endless with career choices spanning from an Air Force pilot, to an engineer, to a psychologist, to an eye surgeon, to an EMT, to a business man, and of course, a professional basketball player. After checking out many different avenues I wasn't sold out on any plan of action, although I still held interest in several ideas. I even toured several colleges and got accepted at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, CA.
Praying, researching, and seeking advice has spread more light on the idea that has been in the back of my mind since the 10th grade. YWAM, Youth With a Mission, is a world wide organization that provides discipleship training, practical ministry and evangelism. The more I look into being a part of YWAM, the more I am determined to do it. The program starts with a DTS (Discipleship Training School) to equip people like me before going out into the mission field, and into the rest of my life. It is aimed to better equip Christians to serve others in everything from agriculture and health care, to drug rehabilitation and biblical counseling. Most YWAM schools combine classroom teaching with relationship centered discipleship and practical service. As a whole, YWAM is an alive Christian ministry with the heart of God flowing through its mission.
As a high school graduate entering a world filled with temptation, compromises, hopelessness, need and worldly passions, resisting conformity is a mountain to climb, and it is an even bigger mountain to take a stand for what is right. I want to be the man God wants me to be; from avoiding the accepted moral standards of this world, to making a bold and positive influence in the lives I encounter. If I am not proactive about growing with God and building my foundation with Him, I fear the overwhelming influences in my life will hinder my Christian walk greatly, and I will miss numerous opportunities to share my faith in God with those who need it. I'm excited for life and everything to come! I see YWAM as an aid to solidifying my knowledge, faith and relationship in Christ, and building my thirst for more and more of God and His purpose for me; not for just while I'm there, but for the rest of my life. I hope to grow as a person and be exposed to the needs of this world and learn how to get past myself in order to meet those needs. After looking and praying about the endless YWAM locations, I have landed on Norway!
I have been accepted to the 9th Nordtun Norway YWAM Discipleship Training School. I am stoked about going there and seeing what God has for me and for me to give! This particular mission is a packed nine month commitment loaded with very interesting and exciting events! The trip will include thirteen weeks of lectures, twelve weeks of outdoor activities, regional team periods, and ten weeks of missions outreach outside of Norway (Central Asia/Himalayas, Greenland, Alaska, Canada and Central Europe.). They mix up the lectures and learning sessions with outdoor activities. We will have many teaching topics including, the nature and character of God, worship, prayer, intercession, spiritual warfare, discipling the nations, evangelism and mission, the Holy Spirit, word of God, and relationship and team dynamic. Those lessons will be intertwined with outdoor activities such as glacier hiking, mountain climbing, cave exploration, sailing, canoeing, fishing, snowboarding, camping and enjoying the beauty of nature!
I need help in getting to Norway. I would highly appreciate your support in any form, but the prevalent need is financial. I have real passion for going to Norway. My time and efforts will be with a goal and not wasted. I hope you see that any support would be very appreciated and your gift to me will be forwarded to the people I serve. YWAM is an aid for me in building a foundation for my life, one that will be proactive for righteousness.
I need to raise 55,000.00!! I am very happy to tell you that that figure is in the Norwegian currency, and the real number is 8,621.34 US dollars. That is for the tuition alone and supplies and other expenses will be an additional cost. The trip starts September 4th 2009, and ends May 29th 2010.
Prayer is the engine behind any successful mission, so I ask for your prayers as well.
- Financial contributions can be made out to, "Church of the Vine - YWAM" and sent in the envelope provided. Your donation will be tax deductible! Once again, your generosity will be throughly appreciated.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration. You can follow my progress and activities on my blog at "www.alecoffner.blogspot.com"
God Bless,
Alec Offner